Hi, I'm Hande. this is my story.

From an unhappy fitness junkie who lacked motivation, felt anxious, and insecure about my body to… becoming the happiest, healthiest, and most confident version of myself and feeling really effing good inside out.

Before: Food & Fitness Obsessed

Pictured left: Hande, 23 years old

I used to believe you needed to be dripping in sweat after a workout to see results. Just do lots of burpees, and cardio, spend hours at the gym until you’re out of breath, and track every calorie to see results, right? Well, that didn’t work for me. Because let’s be honest some workouts might leave you anxious, overworked, and even injured. I’ve been there. I tried it all from boot camps to high-intensity training... None of these were working for me. I could tell because I didn’t see the results I wanted. I was gaining weight, struggling with energy and lack of motivation, and had a bad relationship with food and exercise.  Years ago, slicked-back ponytails, sweat-drenched athleticwear, and an unhealthy addiction to the treadmill came to define my perception of a “real workout.” After slaving away at the gym, I’d spend the remainder of my day self-sabotaging, restricting, scrolling through “fitspiration” images, and filling my head with unrealistic ideals of female body and fitness. 

Body image consumed my entire life. And mentally, it became detrimental to my well-being. 

Nearly every facet of my life felt like a struggle. On top of being unhappy with my weight, I lacked a strong circle of friends and support system, eating healthy felt like a punishment, I started hating the thought of exercising, and my professional life...well, that was miserable too.  

During these years, I was:

  • Stuck in a poor body image

  • Forcing myself to do HIIT, boot camps

  • Feeling guilty if I skipped a workout

  • Striving to get a “bikini body”

  • Stressed and anxious most days

  • Tracking calories and the number on the scale

  • Working out to “punish“ or “burn off” what I ate on the weekend to look a certain way. 

True health and fitness are so much more than just burning calories or looking a certain way. True health is about balanced strength all over your body and a healthy spine so you can move through life with ease, freedom, and joy.

After: Living & Enjoying Life Fully

Pictured right: hande today

After years of struggling with my body and exercise, I decided to get certified and start my own at-home Pilates routine. This completely transformed my body and life.

Pilates helped me to feel strong and confident in my body again and get in the best shape of my life faster than I ever thought was possible. Pilates taught me to breathe efficiently, stand taller, love and respect my body, and move through life with ease, freedom, and joy.

I also began experiencing a massive boost in my overall happiness – my mind was in a healthier, calmer, more joyful place. I had a new inner strength I’d never felt before. I was absolutely hooked

I finally achieved something beautiful – a lifestyle rooted in self-love and self-care. 

Pilates has helped me to:

  • Reconnect with my body in a new, positive way

  • Tone and strengthen my entire body 

  • Get into the best shape of my life faster than I ever thought possible

  • Build a longer, leaner physique 

  • Become back pain-free & improve posture

  • Reduce crippling anxiety

  • Feel strong and calm in my mind each day

All by spending less time working out – and more time enjoying life. 

More importantly, I enjoyed the process and learned a more balanced approach to health and fitness came with more benefits than I could’ve ever imagined. 

I now look forward to moving my body each day and naturally make healthy choices without having to forfeit my happiness. I enjoy every minute of life and never shy away from pursuing the things that inspire me.  That’s why I’m here today. I want you to experience YOUR transformation too.

What if I told you that you could experience this type of transformation, too?

…without intense exercise, expensive/fancy equipment, and without adding any stress to your daily routine? All this and more is possible. Just imagine for a moment how good it will feel to have a strong, healthy body, one that you feel good about and that allows you to live your life to the fullest.

From this day forward you can feel proud of the way you're taking care of yourself and feel better about your body. Ready to do this together? Start your free trial now to get started. This is going to be so good and you’re going to love the way you feel. See you inside the membership soon!